Intermountain - Caring Solutions, Strong Families, Healthy Communities

Silent Auction Artwork

Silent Auction Artwork Designer Form

    Type of Design (required)

    If other please e-mail with a short explanation

    Artist Name and brief description of art piece as you would like to appear in print (required)

    Contact Person (required)

    Mailing Address (required)

    City/State/Zip (required)

    Mobile Phone (required)

    Email (required)

    Title of Artwork Please list the title exactly as you would like it to appear in print. (required)

    Today's Date (required)

    Artwork must be framed and ready to be displayed on the wall. Piece must not exceed 30x30 inches. Please deliver to the Helena Civic Center on Tuesday, November 29th between 8am-5pm. With any questions please call 457-4760.

    Agreement (required)
    By choosing "I Agree" below, I understand that the donated artwork will become property of the Festival of Trees.

    3240 Dredge Drive
    Helena, MT 59602
    Ph: (406) 442-7920
    Fax: (406) 442-7949
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